Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Tiny Happy Home: Progress 8/7/14

Hello. Is there anybody out there? Just nod if you can hear me. (And do me a favor and say hi in the comments below :) I always feel like I'm talking to myself, which most of the time I am, but regardless, this blog is happening. Plus it will be fun to look back on the whole process and I'm sure we'll be glad to have done it.

  So anyways, I've done a bit of designing the last couple of days and wanted to share my progress. I think I've got the majority of the convertible bed/sofa figured out, and one day I'll do an entire post on how it's going to work because it will definitely be a good reference to have while building. I've also been doing some thinking about the measurements on the tiny as a whole. As far as the length, when I initially did this design, it was set at 20 feet because that's what the specs were for the Simple Solar Homesteading Contest (which by the way I didn't win, booooo) But lately I've been thinking that adding one or even two more feet of space would give a significant amount of roominess in the living area. I keep trying to picture what it's going to be like actually sitting in the space, and it's so hard when all you have are virtual plans to go on, so right now I'm struggling with whether or not to go ahead and do it. I just think if we're going to do this, I want to do it right.

Anyhow, here are the latest screenshots. I'm quite fond of my Navy chairs, black trimmed windows and cow skull. Even if they are just little virtual pixels inside my computer. Now if only I can get them in real life. I'm not sure I'm willing to shell out $800 for a navy chair, but if anyone knows of any decently priced knockoffs, let me know. I'd be ever so grateful.

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